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Deborah Smith

Star Consultant


My Story

November 11, 2011 will always be remembered as the day I started my present step to success.  I joined the Scentsy family. I thank my GOD every day for my introduction to the Scentsy Family.  My scentsy story began the day my friend called to say she needed to come by to pick up something.  When I opened the door to her knock, she had a scentsy bar in her hand which she immediately put at my nose.  I said hmm that smells good, and she said smell this, and smell this and this.  After leaving a warmer with My Dear Watson overnight, my Scentsy love affair had begun.  I fell mmediately in love with the product. I have sold almost everything.  I didn't want to sell anything else.  Been there, done that, have several t-shirts.  I had several months before  decided to step away from a direct sale home based business after being discouraged and disappointed.  Until I was invited to a Scentsy home party.  Well, my GOD is an awesome GOD.  I love the product, there is passion again in my life, there's a reason to reach out to family and friends, there's a wonderful product to share and an opportunity to offer to others like myself.  My new found friends and family I have met because of this business is priceless.  My story is still being written in this business and its moving faster than any other thing has moved in my life. My growth is inspiring and encouraging.  I am excited.         <!--endbody-->  

What's warming in my home